Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Master in Theoretical Physics
Third Trimester (22/3 - 28/5)
PEC & AFC Elective courses:
32555 - Astroparticle Physics (ASP):
David García Cerdeño & Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde
32556 - Advanced Cosmology (COAv):
Gustavo Yepes, Alexander Knebe & Savvas Nesseris
33436 – Advanced Gravitation (GRAAv):
Maria J. Rodriguez
PEC Elective courses:
32560 - Open Problems in the Standard Model (OPSM):
Enrique Fernández Martínez
32561 - Experimental Particle Physics (FISExp):
Jorge de Troconiz, Claudia Glasman & Juan Terrón
AFC Elective courses:
32566 - Computational Astrophysics (ACO):
Gustavo Yepes & Alexander Knebe
32563 - Galaxy Formation & Evolution (FEG):
Rosa Domínguez
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